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NAVER Search Technology - Delivering an evolved search experience


by 1089 2024. 7. 2. 18:10


NAVER’s search technology uses AI and data to offer personalized search experiences. Key features include AI Personalized Search, AI Recommendation Technology, and AI Content Search Technology, which optimize search results, recommend content and products based on user data, and extract relevant information. Leveraging these technologies is essential for enhancing search and shopping experiences on NAVER, improving visibility, engagement, and customer satisfaction.


Delivering an evolved search experience

NAVER's search technology combines and continuously improves AI and data technologies to provide users with a customized search experience.


AiRSEARCH (AI Personalized Search)


1. Smart Block - Search for different content at once

Optimized search results that reflect your search intent and preferences, broken down into smart blocks.


Smart Block - Search for different content at once


2. Omnisearch - MultiModal AI search

Combining and understanding different inputs such as text, images to deliver search results that better match user intent.


Omnisearch - MultiModal AI search


3. NAVER Knowledge Interactive - Interactive knowledge search

AiRSEARCH technology, conversational AI models, augmented reality, and more provide a more interactive search service for users


NAVER Knowledge Interactive - Interactive knowledge search



Considering user tastes AI recommendation technology

We analyze user data accumulated on NAVER with AI to recommend content, products, and places.


1. AiRS (AI-based content recommendation)

We analyze user activity data and content consumption patterns to recommend content in detail.


AiRS (AI-based content recommendation)



2. AiTEMS (AI-based product recommendation)

We recommend products that suit your tastes based on your clicks, wishes, purchase history, and preference history.


AiTEMS (AI-based product recommendation)


3. AiRSPACE (AI-based place recommendations)

We recommend the best places to go at the moment based on a combination of information such as your current location, time, age, and gender.


AiRSPACE (AI-based place recommendations)


Extract the exact information you want AI Content Search Technology

We provide advanced search services to help users get to the information they need quickly


1. Knowledge Base (AI-based content-related search)

AI natural language processing analyzes the relationship between content such as people, shows, movies, and webtoons to provide search results based on user intent.


Knowledge Base (AI-based content-related search)


2. Knowledge Snippets (AI-based information domain extraction technology)

Combining natural language processing and information retrieval technologies to extract and deliver information domains from documents that match user intent.


Knowledge Snippets (AI-based information domain extraction technology)


3. Rich Snippets (Differentiating search based on AI and document-reading technology)

Delivering richer search results by extracting content that matches user search intent through a deeper understanding of your documents.


Rich Snippets (Differentiating search based on AI and document-reading technology)




The strategy for effectively utilizing NAVER’s search technology and provided content types is crucial for optimizing search and shopping experiences. By leveraging AI-based personalized search, recommendation technologies, and advanced content search, brands can enhance visibility, engagement, and customer satisfaction on NAVER.




Via : https://www.navercorp.com/service/serviceSearch




What is NAVER’s AiRSEARCH technology?

AiRSEARCH is NAVER’s AI Personalized Search technology that provides optimized search results in smart blocks, combines and understands different inputs like text and images, and offers interactive knowledge search through conversational AI models and augmented reality.


How does AiRSEARCH improve search results?

AiRSEARCH improves search results by reflecting user search intent and preferences, using multimodal AI to deliver better-matched results, and offering an interactive search experience.


What are the main features of NAVER’s AI Recommendation Technology?

The main features include AiRS (AI-based content recommendation), AiTEMS (AI-based product recommendation), and AiRSPACE (AI-based place recommendations), which analyze user data to recommend content, products, and places based on user preferences and activity.


How does NAVER’s AI Content Search Technology work?

NAVER’s AI Content Search Technology uses natural language processing and information retrieval technologies to analyze relationships between content, extract relevant information domains, and provide richer search results that match user intent.


Why is leveraging NAVER’s search and content technologies important?

Leveraging these technologies is crucial for enhancing search and shopping experiences on NAVER, as it improves visibility, engagement, and customer satisfaction by providing personalized, relevant, and optimized search results and recommendations.


How can businesses benefit from using NAVER’s AI technologies?

Businesses can benefit by achieving better customer engagement and satisfaction through tailored recommendations and search results, ultimately driving growth and improving their presence on NAVER’s platform.







NAVER innovative generative AI search service Cue:

Features of Cue: Cue: is a technology that combines Reasoning, Planning, Tool Usage, and Retrieval-Augmented Generation in a language model. When Cue: receives a user query, it uses multi-step reasoning (Multi-Step Reasoning) 



The Importance of NAVER AI Search Service Cue:

IntroductionNAVER stands as one of the largest portals in South Korea, serving as a hub for information retrieval and communication among numerous users. In this digital landscape, where visibility on NAVER is pivotal, the innovative AI search service Cue:





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