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Google Reverses Course on Third-Party Cookie Phase-Out: A New Approach to User Privacy and Ad Targeting


by 1089 2024. 7. 31. 13:08


A new path for Privacy Sandbox on the web


Understanding Google's New Approach to Cookies: How It Impacts Users, Advertisers, and the Future of the Web


In January 2020, Google announced a phased approach to end support for third-party cookies in the Chrome browser to enhance user privacy. However, in July 2024, Google reversed this decision, stating they will provide a new experience that allows users to make informed choices about their web browsing.


Timeline and Key Events

Date Key Events
January 2020 Google announces a phased approach to end support for third-party cookies in Chrome.
June 2021 Due to industry backlash, the plan is delayed by two years, extending the deadline to the end of 2024.
Early 2024 Google starts testing third-party cookie restrictions on 1% of users.
July 2024 Google withdraws the plan to end third-party cookie support and proposes a new approach.


Reasons for Ending Third-Party Cookie Support

  • Enhanced privacy protection: Addressing concerns about user tracking and privacy violations.
  • Introduction of Privacy Sandbox: Developing and standardizing new technologies to replace third-party cookies.
  • Changes in the advertising ecosystem: Shifting towards privacy-centric advertising technologies and targeting methods.

Reasons for Withdrawing the Plan

  • Backlash from the advertising industry: Concerns about difficulties in measuring ad effectiveness and targeting, leading to potential revenue loss.
  • Pressure from regulatory authorities: Concerns about limiting competition and strengthening Google's dominant position.
  • Technical challenges: Delays in developing and implementing alternative technologies to replace third-party cookies.
  • New approach proposal: Focusing on user choice empowerment and balancing privacy protection with advertising efficiency.

New Approach

Google plans to provide a new experience where users can choose whether to allow cookies across their web browsing and adjust these choices at any time. This is interpreted as an attempt to give users more control and balance privacy with advertising efficiency.


Future Outlook

Google will continue to invest in developing and improving Privacy Sandbox APIs and collaborate with regulatory authorities and the industry to refine and implement the new approach. These changes are expected to have a significant impact on advertising technology and the ecosystem as a whole.


Google's New Approach: Balancing Privacy and Ad Efficiency

Google's new approach focuses on giving users more control and balancing privacy with ad efficiency. While specific details have not been fully disclosed, here's what we know so far:


Empowering User Choice

  • Cookie consent: Users can choose whether to allow cookies when visiting websites, including both first-party and third-party cookies.
  • Settings management: Users can change cookie settings or adjust permissions for specific websites at any time.
  • Enhanced transparency: Google will provide clearer information on how websites collect and use user data.

New Features and Technologies

  • Improved Privacy Sandbox APIs: Google will continue developing and improving APIs that enable ad targeting and measurement without third-party cookies.
  • Topics API: This technology targets ads based on user interests. Data is stored on-device and anonymized.
  • FLEDGE API: This technology is for remarketing and personalized ads. User data is encrypted and protected.
  • Attribution Reporting API: This technology measures ad performance without personally identifiable information.

Changes in User Behavior

  • Cookie settings management: Users need to manage cookie preferences in their browser settings.
  • Increased privacy awareness: Users should be more aware of how their data is used and take an active role in protecting their privacy.

Future Outlook

Google aims to achieve a balance between privacy and ad efficiency while giving users more control. However, developing and implementing new technologies takes time, and collaboration with the ad industry and regulators remains crucial. It remains to be seen how Google's new approach will be implemented and how it will impact the digital advertising landscape.



1. What is Google's new approach to third-party cookies?

Google has shifted away from phasing out third-party cookies entirely. Instead, they plan to empower users by allowing them to choose whether or not to allow cookies while browsing. This gives users more control over their privacy while still allowing for relevant advertising.

2. How will this new approach impact advertisers?

While the specifics are still in development, advertisers will need to adapt to a more privacy-centric advertising landscape. Google's Privacy Sandbox initiatives, such as Topics API and FLEDGE API, are designed to provide alternative solutions for targeting and measurement while protecting user privacy.

3. What should users do to protect their privacy under this new approach?

Users should be proactive in managing their cookie preferences in their browser settings. They should also stay informed about how their data is used and consider utilizing privacy-focused browsers or extensions if they have additional concerns.


Source : https://privacysandbox.com/news/privacy-sandbox-update


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