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Naver Referer Restriction: Countermeasures and Comparison with Google


by 1089 2024. 8. 16. 13:20


Naver Referer Restriction


Naver Search has announced a policy change that will limit the information included in the Referer header starting November 7, 2024. This change aims to enhance user privacy by restricting the exposure of user browsing history. Website owners and services relying on Referer data for analytics and other purposes need to prepare for this change.


Source : 네이버 검색 Referer 정책 변경 안내 드립니다.

Countermeasures for Naver Referrer Restriction

1.  Utilize Alternative Analytics Tools

  • Naver Analytics & Naver Search Advisor: Leverage Naver's own analytics tools for insights into traffic sources and user behavior.
  • UTM Parameters: Append UTM parameters to campaign links or specific URLs to track traffic sources with greater granularity.
  • Server Log Analysis: Analyze web server logs directly to gain insights into traffic patterns. (Ensure compliance with privacy regulations.)
  • First-Party Cookies: Employ first-party cookies to track and analyze user behavior on your website. (Adhere to privacy laws and obtain user consent where necessary.)

2.  Enhance Data Analysis

  • Diverse Data Sources: Utilize various data sources beyond Referer information to understand user behavior comprehensively.
  • Machine Learning: Apply machine learning techniques to enhance data analysis and develop predictive models for traffic sources.

3. Improve User Experience

  • Personalization: Deliver personalized content and services based on user data to increase engagement and satisfaction.
  • A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests to optimize website elements and content for a better user experience.

Comparison of Naver and Google's Referrer Restrictions

Feature Naver Google
Restricted Information Partial restriction (specifics not disclosed) Search queries hidden, limited or no Referer for HTTPS to HTTP transitions
Implementation Date November 7, 2024 Already in effect
Exceptions Naver Analytics, Naver Search Advisor Google Search Console
Purpose User privacy protection
User Privacy Protection
Provide API 
(NAVER Search Advisor, Google Search Console)
Not provided
(Provides collection request API only)



Both Naver and Google are implementing Referer restrictions to safeguard user privacy. Website owners need to adapt to these changes by utilizing alternative analytics tools, enhancing data analysis capabilities, and prioritizing user experience. Maintaining transparency in data usage and adhering to privacy regulations are crucial in this evolving landscape.


Enhance your customer search data with expert SEO services from 1089media. Reach out to our team today!



NAVER Referer Restriction FAQ

Q1. How will Naver's referrer restriction affect my website analytics?

A1. Naver's restriction on referrer information may limit your ability to track detailed traffic sources. However, you can utilize alternative analytics tools like Naver Analytics and Naver Search Advisor, or implement UTM parameters for more granular tracking.


Q2. What are the key differences between Naver and Google's referrer restrictions?

A2. While both Naver and Google aim to protect user privacy, Naver's restriction is partial and specifics are not disclosed, whereas Google hides search queries and limits or blocks referrers for HTTPS to HTTP transitions. Naver's change takes effect on November 7, 2024, while Google's restrictions are already in place.


Q3. How can I adapt to these referrer restrictions and ensure accurate website analytics?

A3. You can adapt by utilizing alternative analytics tools, enhancing your data analysis capabilities with diverse data sources and machine learning, and focusing on improving user experience through personalization and A/B testing. It's also crucial to maintain transparency in data usage and comply with privacy regulations.



Enhance your customer search data with expert SEO services from 1089media. Reach out to our team today!




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